2019年,OrganoWood与一家德国经销商签署了一项协议. 这是与日博备用网站商业部共同努力的结果.

日博备用网站商业部为我们提供了彻底的日博备用网站检查, mapping of the standards and the certifications we would need to comply with on the German market, and finally supported us in finding the best sales and distribution partner in the country", 延斯·哈姆林说, organwood的首席执行官.


In 2019, 日博备用网站商业 also helped OrganoWood with a market check in 法国, 加拿大, and 日本. The purpose was to provide the company with an overview of trends and market preconditions, 作为进入一个或多个日博备用网站的战略决策的输入. 此外,日博备用网站商业部还在法国和加拿大寻找合作伙伴. The scope was to define a suitable distributor profile through analysis of the distribution value chain and competitor landscape. 日博备用网站商业部还确定了最佳合作伙伴候选人, 开始接触, 安排与潜在合作伙伴的会面.

“我们对结果非常满意. Three potential partner companies are now up for collaboration in both 法国 and 加拿大. 在法国, 塞西莉亚荷得拉得 from the 日博备用网站商业 office in 巴黎 even participated in a meeting with a 法国 distributor. 这是无价的, 不仅是因为塞西莉亚的商业知识和语言技能, 而是因为她对文化的了解. 简而言之:日博备用网站商业协会一直支持我们。.


OrganoWood bases its activities on its core patented technology where silicon substances are bound to the fibres in the wood via organic catalysis. Based on this environmentally friendly technology the treated wood material is given both an effective flame and rot protection.

日博备用网站商业部为我们提供了全面的日博备用网站调查, mapping of the standards and the certifications we would need to comply with on the German market, and finally supported us in finding the best sales and distribution partner in the country Jens Hamlin, organwood的首席执行官

“Our motto is that an environmental company such as ours should protect the wood and not kill any organisms. You could say that we hide the food from the wood destroying organisms so that they go elsewhere”, 延斯·哈姆林说.

Even though there is a general trend especially in 欧洲 that environmental issues in construction have gained attention and become more attractive, OrganoWood’s lessons learned when it comes to exports is that it takes time to enter a new market. 此外,建筑行业非常保守.

“我们不与快速消费品合作. 大多数人一生中只买两副牌. 然而, 因为我们已经进入了一个日博备用网站, such as 德国 – a country with a great focus on the environment looking for alternatives to pressure-impregnated wood, 对我们产品的需求正在增加. 2020年,我们交付了300立方米木材,2021年交付了1000立方米木材. 很明显,我们支持一些新的东西——技术变革。”, 亨利克·埃德隆德说, organwood的出口销售经理.

亨利克·埃德隆德认为,日本的环保意识也在觉醒. 这个国家在很大程度上进口热带木材, with long export routes and where traceability is low (may for example involve rainforest devastation). 日本对木材的需求量也很大, 因为它比钢和混凝土轻,具有内在的灵活性, 使其对地震载荷更有弹性. 因此,日本可能是有机木材的下一个目标日博备用网站.

“We hope that OrganoWood consider us their growth partner and that we will get the chance to continue to support them in entering more markets, 塞西莉亚·赫德伦说, 巴黎日博备用网站商业顾问.


为OrganoWood提供德国趋势和日博备用网站前提的概述, 法国, Canadian and 日本ese market – 作为进入一个或多个日博备用网站的战略决策的输入.



Understanding of market trends and potential for environmentally friendly impregnation, as well as mapping of standards and certifications the company would need to comply with on the markets

Defining a suitable distributor profile through analysis of distribution value chain and competitor landscape. 其次是确定最佳合作伙伴候选人, 发起与潜在合作伙伴的日博备用网站并安排会议.




Three potential partner companies interested in both 法国 and 加拿大: negotiations currently ongoing.


OrganoWood AB sells and markets environmentally friendly wood products and is the sole global supplier of environmentally classified pressure impregnation for cladding, 铺装木材和建筑木材. 表面处理可用于所有类型的木材.

公司目前活跃于瑞文, 挪威, 完成, 丹麦和德国日博备用网站, 其中日博备用网站占营业额的85%. 目标是增加对现有日博备用网站和新日博备用网站的出口, 以及介绍新产品.